Wenatchee Wedding: Adelae & Nick


It was a beautiful day at the most perfect place.  Her hair was done just right, make up perfectly set to add that extra, sweet, girly drama that every Bride cannot live without.  Tears were shed when she first saw the reception hall. "It's exactly how I imagined it" left her lips.  She walked up behind him; nervous, yet confident, and as he turned to take in her beauty someone in heaven was saying, "It's exactly how I imagined it."  It had all finally come together... PERFECTLY.  

Adelae & Nick: Thank you for letting me spend such a wonderful and beautiful day with you!  I was so blessed by the generosity of your families and enjoyed every second of capturing your day.  What a beautiful and perfectly matched couple you are!  Congrats!

Best find of the day?  The orchard across the street...

 The church was perfectly set right in front of Saddle Rock.  Again the day was pure perfection...


Rob & Bethany: Wedding


Perfect timing.  That’s what life is all about; or at least what true love is all about. Bethany had “known” about Rob for a while (as in a few years).  Someone she had gone on a missions trip with informed her that they had a guy she “had” to meet.  But again… perfect timing… it’s everything. A few years later they finally met; and, well, the rest is history.  I think my favorite part about their story is how many people they both knew; yet they never got together until just the right time when they were ready for each other. 

Rob & Bethany: You two are such a great match!  I am so happy that I got to share your day with you and experience such a wonderful occasion of God working in his perfect timing to bring you together.  I am honored and blessed that you chose me to capture your love.  

The First Look: Always my FAVORITE moment!

 Forecast for the day: rain, rain AND more rain.   Do you see that BEAUTIFUL sky??  Yep, somebody up there answers prayers ;)  


Julia & Christoper: Wedding


Julia was probably one of the most calm brides I have EVER seen!  While the hustle and bustle of getting last minute details in place was happening around her she remained inside her bubble of complete and utter happiness.  Never once did I see it pop.  Her thoughts were no longer of details of her wedding day, but rather on the man of her dreams.  This was her day where she would start a new beginning with the man she had known all her life.  This was the first day of the rest of her life and no one was going to take that away from her.

Julia & Christopher: Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your wonderful day!  I had such a great time with both of you and your family!  What a joy and blessing it was to hear your story of growing up together and realize that you two truly do get to spend your entire lives together!  Here's to a true lifetime of love and happiness!

I just want to say we ended up with the BEST weather to get some awesome shots!


Lori & Rob: Engaged


There once was a girl who longed to have a best friend. So she started to pray and ask God to send her one.  But not just any best friend.  She wanted that “kindred Spirit “as Anne of Green Gables would put it.   It had to be someone who loved God, who laughed and was silly like she was, who knew what she was thinking without her having to say it.  Someone who could be a safe place for her, whom she could tell anything to.  So she prayed.
Little did she know there was another little girl in her very same school who was also praying for a best friend.  In fact they had gone to same school all their lives and never met.  It wasn’t until their seventh grade year (one year later from when they started to pray) that they both ended up in the same class. 
That’s when I met Lori. 
We didn’t have this AMAZING AHA moment that we were going to be best friends.  It was more like we just fell in sync with each other and never fell out.  Honestly I don’t know what I would have done without her, I’m just glad that God answered our prayers ‘cause no one understands me like her.  I am so glad she has found a man like Rob ‘cause I just couldn’t part with her for anyone less worthy. 
And Rob: you are worthy.  You’re the guy I always wanted for my best friend. Someone I can trust who will take care of her when I can’t be there and will challenge her to be a better woman, wife, mother, and lover of Jesus.  She is blessed to have you.  And I cannot wait for your wedding this Saturday!